Stiletto Diaries

I’m Not A Whore. I’m A Relationship Technician.

Archive for the ‘Think Ink’ Category

I <3 My New Bag!I lost 6 pounds last week! Hoorah for me :D As a little reward I treated myself to some shopping this afternoon. I picked up a really cool messenger bag at Sunridge Mall in the Bentley store. I am addicted to that place! Purses and luggage are a slight weakness of mine, LOL. I haven’t bought myself a new bag in ages, and since I have done so well on my weight loss, I figured why not. I also thought with all the time I am going to spending on airplanes in the future, it would be nice to have a medium sized carry-on bag for books, music, my journal, and such.

I also picked up a couple of super cute baby-doll type strapless tops. They look adorable with jeans and flip flops. If you have no idea what I am talking about, picture this minus the straps.

A really good looking guy stopped me to admire my tattoo and inquire as to where I got it done. I gave him the name of the shop and my tattooist and he wrote it down in his phone. Apparently he recently moved here from Edmonton and is looking for a good artist. He showed me an existing tattoo which he feels was poorly done and he doesn’t want to make that mistake again. I was happy to show off my fabulous art and to refer him to the place that I went. He seemed quite pleased, I hope he goes to her, she’s fabulous.

The kids enjoyed the impromptu shopping trip as well. It was raining hard here today so they couldn’t play outside anyway. I got them each a little treat at Tim Horton’s on the way home since they behaved very well.

This week is shaping up to be quite wonderful. I have a number of yard projects to do around here, and several reviews to post. I hope everyone is having a great Monday! I know I certainly am.

Mmmmmmmmmmm Pussy!I don’t know about the rest of you, but I had an excellent weekend!

Friday night P and I went to the store now known as Little Shop Of Sins (formerly Adam N Eve’s) and browsed around. Basically nothing has changed except the name apparently. We looked at all manner of cute clothing in lace, latex, pleather, leather, and lord knows what else! There were lots of amazing shoes and boots to lust over, and naturally a selection of sex toys (several of which I already own!) to browse. It was a good time, and I don’t think P felt too uncomfortable despite it being only her second time in an adult store.

After that we made our way over to the Vicious Circle. She had her first martini and we enjoyed a fabulous dinner on the patio, enjoying the nice weather.

We finished off the evening at Wolfman’s Pub in Marda Loop, where we enjoyed a couple of gin and 7’s while listening to the live band playing. They were actually very good, Big Yellow Van was the name and the singer really impressed us both. The guitarist was a hottie, and the bar seemed to be unusually full of good-looking men.

Saturday Jack and I took the kids out for a day of quality family time. We had a total blast, the kids loved all the activities we did and all the stuff we saw. They are still talking about it. Jack and I enjoyed ourselves a great deal, it was one of the best days I’ve ever had.

Saturday evening I went in to get my tattoo finished. It only took another hour for her to get the shading done, although it didn’t seem that long. My tattoo is…beautiful, gorgeous, detailed, magnificent, and so much more than I could have ever hoped for. I wish I could show you pictures, but alas it’s a one-of-a-kind and I run around with it in full view most of the time so I can’t risk it. I am so totally in love with it, and I’ve already received a number of compliments on it. I think in the future I will be tempted to fly back here just to get the rest of my tattoos done by the same artist.

V picked me up from my tattoo appointment and then joined us for supper. We had a great visit before she had to head home. Jack went out for a couple of hours with a good friend of his and then came home around 12:30am and we cuddled in bed and went to sleep.

Today has been relatively low key. I have been devoting a lot of time and energy to my weight loss and the weight loss blog. I am quite proud of it, and of myself. I’ve stuck to my goals and plan perfectly this week and I am looking forward to the official weigh-in tomorrow morning.

Life just feels wonderful at the moment. Everything is just falling into place and I am incredibly happy. I can’t wait to move out to Ontario and get settled there.

So many new things happening that sometimes it’s hard to believe.

*Title courtesy of my junk mail folder

I Just LOVE Caulk!Today is a great day! I got on the scale this morning and I’ve already lost over 5 lbs this week. I know that most of it was water I had been retaining, but who cares, it’s still a loss. That much closer to my first goal.

Tonight I am taking the lovely P out on the town. I am going to take her to a store that was formerly Adam N Eve’s but has changed ownership (or at least names) sometime recently. It will be fun, I enjoy corrupting the innocent. I am not sure that she’s ever been there before. You may remember me mentioning that store as the place I bought my pleather skirt for the New Year’s Party and my corset for The Sex Show last year. They also have the most AMAZING sexy shoes I’ve ever seen, a good selection of BDSM equipment, and a variety of sex toys.

After that I think we might wander over to The Vicious Circle for drinks and nibbles. I shall see what P feels like doing. Maybe we’ll just go to a quiet pub or a coffee shop and shoot the shit.

Saturday I finally get my tattoo finished! Woot!

Saturday night Jack is possibly going out drinking with one of his buddies. We talked about what would happen if there was a chance of him hooking up while out and about. Even though I still have some serious insecurities, I am thinking it might be best to just push past them and see what happens on the other side. Meaning I told him to go ahead, that I don’t want to hear any details, and the only questions I want him to answer the next day are “Did you have sex?” and “Did you use a condom?”. I know he worries about my reaction, but I told him that although I can’t accurately anticipate my feelings, I am going to make my very best effort to be less emotional and more rational about it. Wish me luck with that. If I can get past my reservations about him having sex with others, I think that the poly thing will go more smoothly since I have no problem with him spending time with other women, nor do I have a problem with him having feelings for other women (both things that we have already experienced).

I shall have updates on all of the above by Sunday night, no doubt!

Let Naughtiness Abound!

Lily PadsThis morning I woke up feeling pretty icky. My throat was sore and I was still tired. Not the best way to start the day.

However, I fixed myself a healthy breakfast and then enjoyed a few cups of lovely English Breakfast loose leaf tea with a little honey and lemon juice. My throat doesn’t hurt now, but it still has that strange ‘thick’ feeling, if you know what I mean.

Ah well, as long as I am better by the weekend so I can get my tattoo finished!

I’ve gotten off to an awesome start with my new eating right and exercise plan. Yesterday I got to do a couple hours of good walking, and this evening I am going to put in one of my Windsor Pilates DVDs. Some people might think pilates is pointless, but if you do it right, man do your muscles ache afterwards!

This Friday I have tentative plans with P, who recently returned from a trip to Greece. I am looking forward to hearing some of the stories from her trip. I am planning on taking her to one of my favorite ‘adult’ stores here in Calgary (or possibly two, depending). That should be a lot of fun. Afterwards we might go for drinks or just grab a coffee somewhere, we shall see.

Saturday I have my tattoo appointment to get it finished. I am really excited about that! Everyone loves the tattoo so far, I’ve gotten a lot of great compliments on it. After that I have been invited to a birthday party (along with V and T and some other friends of mine) but I am not sure that I will go. Jack may want to make plans with friends of his for Saturday night, and that’s perfectly alright with me :)

V might be coming over this evening to visit and likely spend the night. I have some new toys I want to show her!

I’ve got some really neat reviews coming up for the men in my audience so keep an eye out for those ;)

Happy Hump Day!

I Love You V!Right now I am basking in the glow of a fabulous clear sunset. The smell of lilacs is heavy in the air and there is only the faintest breeze… I love evenings in the late spring/early summer when the air still gets fairly cool at night and the blossoms are still fresh on the trees. The birds are singing the last songs of the day and I feel like I have the entire world to myself.

Last weekend was wonderful. Friday night I was treated to a delicious lamb donair at Shawarma King down in Kensington. The Badger met with me once he was off of work and we spent about an hour together, mostly discussing the upcoming move and events surrounding it.

Saturday afternoon was my tattoo appointment. V accompanied me, since the ink is in her honour. We arrived and took a look at the drawing my artist had done. It was, in a word, magnificent. Not at all what I had envisioned, but so much more than I had planned. I loved it immediately. She got set up and then it was time to get started. She placed the stencil, somewhat lower than I had planned it to be. However it worked out better where she put it, because it wouldn’t have fit higher up. I suppose it’s part of their job to know these things.

V was right there with me. We were pleased that the artist had no problem with V being in the room, and even snapping pictures at her leisure for posterity. The outline was started. The pain was less than I had remembered. I settled in for it, since the design is rather large and I was booked for two hours. The outline didn’t take long. The most uncomfortable part was when she got up on the sides of my neck. Yowch. I was glad the bulk of it was lower down.

We took a break so I could check out the lines. It looked even better on my skin than it had on paper. I sat back down and she started the shading. There is a lot of black and the pain was significantly worse. I found that closing my eyes and zoning out on the pain was the best method of dealing with it. I was so glad to have V there with me. By the time my appointment was over she was only about half-way through the shading. There is a LOT of detail involved and thus it’s quite slow going.

I got to take a good look at it and it’s just gorgeous. She cleaned it up and of course went over all of the care instructions with me. I booked another appointment in June to get the rest of it finished. I was somewhat disappointed that it didn’t get totally done in one sitting, but my skin was raw and you can’t rush perfection after all.

We headed for my house. I only had to keep the bandage on for an hour and then V helped me clean and salve my fresh tattoo. Jack was quite impressed with it, although it was larger than what he had anticipated. He is not generally a fan of tattoos, but he liked this one on me.

V and I drove back into the city and I dropped her off at her place. Then it was time for me to head downtown to meet X at the Vicious Circle for a drink. I had a wonderful time with him. He has so many stories and I laughed so hard that my stomach was aching. I enjoy a good story teller and he is certainly one of the best I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.

He and I eventually parted ways, and I drove over to The Rusty Cage to meet up with V and T, along with some other friends. I had a double gin with 7up and we danced for a while. I was tired however, the tattoo having used up most of my blood sugar and adrenalin for the day. I decided around midnight to take my leave, much to V’s disappointment.

Upon reaching my vehicle I discovered that I had locked my keys inside. FUCK! I called Jack who valiantly drove all the way to where I was and rescued me. We got home and crawled into bed, after he helped me cover my tattoo with Saran wrap. Don’t want ink all over my pristine white sheets.

Sunday morning we slept in and then did a bit of running around. It was a relaxed day, which I appreciated a great deal.

Thus far my tattoo is healing up beautifully. Keeping it clean and putting tattoo goo on it proves to be an exercise in extreme contortion. Generally I beg someone into assisting me if possible. I can hardly wait to go back and get it finished.

I am looking forward to this weekend, although I have nothing exciting planned. Q never did call me back, although V heard from him and he wasn’t able to join us Saturday due to other plans. I am unsure what to do next. V thinks that he misplaced or neglected to save my number, but why wouldn’t he just ask her for it? I dunno. I’ll likely just leave it be. We had one great night, that’s better than nothing, and I think now I can be content about it.

I hope that everyone is enjoying their week! Tomorrow is Thursday and I will likely have some HNT to put up, finally. Just haven’t been in the mood recently, especially since some people seem to think that posting photos online is somehow my way of begging for validation. Do I come off that way really? I certainly didn’t intend to.

At any rate, good night and sleep well!

Gah, one more day until I get my tattoo! I can hardly wait :D I was thinking about it last night before I fell asleep. This tattoo is going to be large, and pretty visible. Do I really want to put something like that on my body? It’s forever, and I like to really consider these sorts of thing deeply before I go ahead.

Obviously I have decided that ink is an important part of me, as is the person this tattoo represents. I am getting this tattoo for V, as a physical representation of all that she means to me and everything we have been through. I know she is there for me always, she’s my girl, she’s got my back. I look forward to explaining this significant meaning to people when they inquire about my body art.

She is going to be there with me tomorrow, of course. Just as she always is when I need her.

Eventually she will have a tattoo for me as well. A gorgeous koi fish, because I love them so much and because they remind her of me.

After the tattoo I get to accomplish one more of my resolutions for 2007. My friend X and I are meeting for a pint downtown somewhere. I am really looking forward to it. I suspect there will be a certain amount of sexual tension there.

I plan to round off the night at The Rusty Cage, having a few drinks with my friends and dancing into the wee hours. I am going to wear my grey suede skirt :P That should attract some attention. Tee Hee ;)

Can’t wait! See you all on Sunday :D

Bye Now! Have Good Sex!

The clouds looked quite menacing, but we decided to brave the weather and go camping anyway. To make the rest of the story easier to tell, I will reveal the ‘identity’ of the mysterious man I asked to join me. Some of you will remember him as Q. If you have no idea who I am talking about, you can read about him in the following posts (listed chronologically from past to present):

How I met Q

A date we went on

Running into him at a bar

Running into him at another bar (it seems to be a trend with us)

Anyway, despite my initial disinterest in him, recently I’ve been thinking of him and attraction sort of grew over time. I was quite thrilled that he accepted my invitation to go camping.

He and I drove out together on Sunday afternoon. We had a really good time on the way out, I did a good part of the talking, but I learned a few new things about him. It’s rather strange because we have a sense of familiarity about each other, but I really don’t know him very well.

We arrived at the camping area, which is not an actual camp site, it’s a piece of land owned by V’s family that lies well outside of the city. It’s basically a large clearing within a larger cluster of trees. Bordered on all sides by farm land, it has no electricity or running water. I like it that way, because my idea of camping means roughing it.

It was too muddy to drive right into the clearing, so we parked on higher ground and walked down the muddy ‘road’ to where everyone else was gathered around the fire pit. I’ll tell you it was a precarious walk. It’s a slight hill, and I nearly slipped and fell half a dozen times. Q and I were going to be sleeping on a mattress in the back of my van, since I was in no mood to assemble our enormous tent for one night. I was not looking forward to stumbling up the hill in a drunken blur at the end of the night, LOL.

Did I mention it was raining?

It started about 15 minutes after we arrived and didn’t stop until well after we left the next day.

The men (K, V’s brother, Q, and a few other guys) gathered the wood for the fire. V, a friend of hers, and I prepared supper. I grilled some meat on the BBQ and they made campfire pizzas. Everyone ate, and drank, and we were all in pretty good spirits considering we were soaking wet.

We built a ‘ghetto’ out of tarps and umbrellas around the fire. Everyone settled in and had some beverages. All in all it was a good time. Cold and wet and muddy, but good none the less. We laughed a lot, I took some pictures, V bailed hardcore in the mud, and I almost fell into the fire pit. I enjoyed cuddling with Q by the fire, and K did rather well not acting weird about it. I did catch a few looks from him, that are best described as somewhat irritated. However, all in all I felt that he handled himself well.

I didn’t drink very much because I knew I was going to have to make my way up the hill to go to bed. Around midnight I decided I was done with the rain and the mud and excused myself to bed. Q joined me and we found our way back to the van. Stripping down in the rain was interesting. I didn’t want to crawl into bed with wet clothes on, so I just took them off and then climbed under the covers as fast as possible. I kept on my underwear and a tank top. Q jumped in beside me in his boxers and a shirt. We cuddled up for body heat and before long I could feel my toes again, LOL.

We talked for some time, and then there was kissing, and groping, and removal of clothing. The foreplay lasted an impressively long time. I enjoy a man who is not in a hurry to fuck. He touched me all over, commenting several times on how soft my skin is, and how good it felt against his. He was quite vocal (meaning he made plenty of noises that let me know he was enjoying himself) and I appreciate that a great deal during sex. I dislike it when a man is quiet, it makes me feel like he’s not into it.

He loved my dreads and when he wrapped a handful of them in his fist and pulled my head back to expose my neck, I nearly melted.

His job is physically demanding and phew! The biceps on the man are enough to make me weak in the knees. His back is toned and the muscles are tight under his skin. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *Drool*

When I ran my hand up the inside of his thigh, brushing past his cock and up his stomach he was quivering with anticipation. I enjoyed teasing him before I finally allowed him his reward.

I still marvel at how relaxed he was, totally unrushed. He obviously enjoys the sensual and passionate experience of physical intimacy, rather than the main event.

Eventually neither of us could stand it any longer, he pulled me over on top of him and pushed me down onto his cock. It felt…amazing [and yes, we used a condom, there was no question about that].

Unlike some experiences I’ve had, we fell into a comfortable rhythm immediately. I was somewhat concerned that my van might roll forward into the car parked in front of us, LOL. I didn’t put on the parking brake, and I probably should have.

He loved it when I squeezed my muscles around his shaft. Even though I dislike being on top, I have been told I am quite incredible at it. I do this thing where I ’scoop’ my pelvis while I am rocking my hips at the same time, and it seems to rub most guys just the right way. I know it drives Jack wild, and Q was no different in that sense.

He took his turn thrusting from beneath me. That was pretty wild, because he did it in such away I thought I might actually cum from intercourse alone.

I liked how he pulled me to him and kissed me hard while we fucked.

He was getting close, I could tell because his breathing changed and so I increased my efforts and he came with several loud gasps/grunts/bellows. It was excellent.

After we had both recuperated he held me close and I fell asleep.

We woke up the next morning to snow caked on the windows of the van.


I was not looking forward to jumping outside for my regular morning pee.

We stayed in the nice warm van as long as possible. Eventually I heard someone bang on the hood, so I opened the side door and poked my head out. K informed me that people were up at the camp site (everyone else camped in tents and trailers in the clearing). I told him we’d be down as soon as we got dressed.

After forcing myself into cold and still damp clothing, we made our way down the now-treacherous hill. Cleaning up and packing of stuff ensued. It took us a number of hours in the snow and mud to get everything put away and carried up to the vehicles.

Then there was the matter of V’s cousin (not sure that they are related, I am guessing). He had driven his truck into the clearing at the beginning of the weekend, before the rain. Now there was a considerable bog between his vehicle and the top of the hill where the ground was firm.

Idea #1 - Hook the truck up to an old bronco that serves as the ‘farm truck’. Have people sit on the tailgate of the truck, and on the hood of the bronco to provide extra weight and traction. Take a run at the hill and see if the bronco can pull the truck through the muddy hole.

Guess where I was. That’s right, on the hood of the bronco, holding onto the windshield wiper for dear life. V’s friend (another girl) was up there with me, holding on to me for dear life. It was scary, but fun. V’s brother was driving the bronco, and he accelerated up the hill. It was not a smooth ride, and I was sure we were both going to fall off.

The rope snapped just as the truck was going through the muddiest part. The truck was stuck. The men jumped off the tailgate and pushed the truck backwards out of the mud.

Idea #2 - The boys sat on the tailgate again and V’s cousin took a good run at the bog. It didn’t look like he was going to make it. The tires were caked in several inches of mud. He kept going, the truck kept moving, ever slowly, up the hill. Us girls stood there cheering.

Success! Everyone got out and I headed back into the city to drop of Q and a load of camping stuff that I hauled out for V.

I bid Q a good bye and asked him if I could see him again. He said yes with a grin. I said that I hoped he had a good time, despite the weather. He assured me that he had and departed after a quick kiss.

I made it home, cold, wet, muddy, and stinking like campfire. Jack just looked at me and laughed.

Showering felt SOOOO good. I washed my dreads well with some new Knotty Boy Dread Shampoo that I picked up. Dreads easily pick up smells (like normal hair). Unlike normal hair it’s harder to get the smell out. Most people suggest you try to protect your dreads when you are in an odorous environment. Wear a toque or other hat. The shampoo I got is awesome. It smells like tea tree oil and peppermint. I was relieved that it got the camping smell out of them completely.

Despite the icky weather, the weekend was fun. I am glad I invited Q out. I hope he really did enjoy himself as much as I did.

Take It Off!This weekend is my TATTOO!!! I am so excited I can hardly stand it. Afterwards V and some friends are going out for a birthday bash, I’ve been invited along by the birthday girl. They are headed to a club in the city, and I am thinking if my neck isn’t too sore I will join them. If I am too uncomfortable I might just see if some friends want to do coffee or drinks in a quiet pub.

I’ll keep you posted! I hope all of my wonderful readers and friends had a great weekend. I’ve got some really cool reviews coming up so stay tuned!

Is It Hot In Here?Good Morning and Good Monday!

Yours truly is in a super-duper great mood this morning :)

I had a GREAT weekend.

Saturday we were kid-free and I had arranged a laid-back schedule of events for the two of us. Lunch with two of our good friends, followed by tattoo inquires. Steve Peace was not able to fit me in last-minute, so I chose another artist who was recommended to me by a large number of friends. A good friend and former co-worker had an $800.00 back piece done by this particular artist and it was fantastic. She has got some skills with an ink machine! I feel good about my decision to go with her, and I have an appointment for that in two weeks! Hooray! I cannot wait. I promise lots of details (sadly no pics, since the tattoo is going to be on the back of my neck and it’s custom work). I didn’t buy off the lot, she is going to be drawing it from scratch. I would prefer not to have people identify me thanks to a tattoo, so sorry all.

I put down my deposit for the tattoo, all in all it’s going to cost me under 300.00 bucks, which is a good thing!

After we secured an appointment for said ink, Jack took me to Globefish for dinner! It’s by far the best sushi restaurant in the city. We ordered gyoza, Alaska rolls, the Globefish Sushi Combo and the Deluxe Sushi Combo. The food was incredible, the rice was fresh and not dried out (a pretty common problem with sushi places) and the service was fantastic. I enjoyed the presentation of each dish, and the speed at which our food was served. For dessert we ordered the mochi, which is described as a rice cake stuffed with ice cream. However, a more accurate description is a rice flour based dough, wrapped around a little ball of actual vanilla ice cream (by that I mean ice cream made with vanilla bean rather than just vanilla extract). This ball of dough and ice cream is frozen hard as a rock, and then served sliced in half. The first bite is unusual. The ice cream is mild, not over sweetened like most ice cream is. The vanilla bean gives it a nice gentle flavour, and the texture is very nice. It seems to become more delicious as the ice cream softens. We enjoyed it a great deal.

Once dinner was finished we made our way over to Chinook Center to meet V for a movie. We had a few free passes, which was great. Gotta love going out for free. V and I wanted to watch something funny, so we decided on Blades Of Glory. Jack had no objections, and after loading ourselves down with popcorn and coke, we found some seats and settled in for the movie. I was sitting between V and Jack and I joked about how nice it was to be out on a date with my husband and my wife. V just giggled and said she felt the same way. The three of us truly are a little family, and I don’t know what I would do without either of them.

The movie was absolutely hilarious! I laughed so hard I could hardly breath. Jack said his abdominal were sore by the time we left. I won’t spoil it for anyone but honestly, we all loved it.

After the movie we went back to V’s place to hang out for a little while. She had some cans of Rock Creek Dry Cider in her fridge which she wanted us to try. Basically it’s like beer with apple cider. The smell was delicious, like ripe apples. The taste was slightly sweet, with a more acidic finish. I do not like beer very much, but I enjoyed this a great deal! Yum, would be perfect for Beer Can Chicken I think.

We left V’s sometime late and made our way home. I fell into bed immediately and sighed contently. What a wonderful day it was. Jack and I got to spend a lot of quality time together, walking around and holding hands. It was fun and romantic. As we cuddled down in bed together, I was laying on my tummy and before I knew it he was on top of me, nudging my thighs apart with his knees and thrusting his cock into my pussy from behind. Mmmmmmmmmmm the perfect ending to a perfect day.

Sunday was another excellent day! I got a gorgeous Japanese Tea Set from my children for Mother’s Day. It’s a tea pot with four small tea cups/bowls in a lovely moss green color. I love it! Jack bought me a wonderful book that I have been wanting for months. It’s called The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman and it’s a great resource for developing more closeness and understanding in your relationships. I look forward to reading it.

I am so spoiled by Jack.

I hope that all the beautiful mom’s out there had a great Mother’s Day weekend!



This weekend I am going in to Immaculate Concept to get the ball rolling on my tattoo. I am hoping to get Steve Peace to do my tattoo, since he is one of the best artists in this city (in my opinion). I chose him based on this tattoo that he has done. It’s amazing!

I am really very excited. I did up a rough sketch of the tattoo that I want (yes, I can draw) to give him a clear idea of the size and general design. The tat is going to be a pretty good size, about 6 inches tall and 5 inches wide. Apparently getting the back of your neck tattooed can be pretty painful, but I have a high pain tolerance, so it’s all good. They look something like this, and I’m going to have them done in black and white (since ya know, ravens are black).

I haven’t gotten a tattoo in exactly (to the month) 7 years! This is going to be the second of 5 tattoos I have planned so far :D

This week is going by so slowly! I cannot wait for the weekend!

Jack is coming home tonight from a trip out east. I am looking forward to much cuddling and frantic fucking. We are seriously having withdrawals, because previously we had sex daily at least, and now with him being away part of the time we are both sexually frustrated!

I am doing really great on some of my goals for this year. I’ve already read 3 out of the 5 new books I want to read. I’ve eaten at 7 new restaurants (3 more to go) and I am keeping my house WAY cleaner. It’s looking fantastic and I adore having a beautiful clean house every day. V assisted me in developing some really great habits (she is VERY clean).

My next goal priority is to meet my friend X for coffee and to stop biting my nails. I shall keep you posted on that :D

Speaking of goals and housework, I need to tidy a bit and feed my hellions some lunch.

Have A Great Thursday!

The Vagina Monologues

Last night Jack and I got all dressed up, and went to watch our good friend F preform in The Vagina Monologues. I love going to the theatre. The Vagina Monologues are being preformed until Saturday, downtown at Max Bell Theatre. I think that everyone should go, just to see it. Jack and I enjoyed it immensely, we laughed and laughed, and there were some sad parts too. It really is such a fantastic experience, get some tickets!

Tonight I am going to watch V sing at a venue with her brother, who is a musician. It’s not exactly a small venue, and by the sounds of it, the place is going to be packed! I am really excited to be there to support and encourage her. She has an awesome voice. LD is going to try to make it down to see her, and T and lots of our other friends are going to be in attendance.

I am going to arrange a time with T, for her to do my dreadlocks. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks. She has dreads and I have been mulling over the idea of getting them. She offered to do them for me, and all it will cost is a case of beer! I’ve asked about a dozen of my closest friends if they think I will look hot with dreads and thus far the consensus is a resounding YES! Jack is a little hesitant of course, since he absolutely adores my hair the way it is, but I haven’t done anything new to it in over 5 years, so it’s time for a change. I am hoping she can make the dreads quite thin, I’d like them to look like this, although mine will be brown of course :) I will try to get before/after pictures posted so everyone can see!

I am also planning a tattoo, which I am aiming to have done before I leave for Toronto. V and I have been saying for years that we are going to get tattoos done, as a sort of friendship/bonding experience. As well as serving as a constant reminder of each other. I want to get a pair of raven wings, placed on the back of my neck. Not the entire bird, just the wings, side by side. I am just hoping it won’t cost me an arm and a leg. I don’t think Jack is too hot on the idea of laying out a bunch of money so that I can get inked, LOL.

Well, I have a review I need to write up for later today or tomorrow. I wish everyone a great weekend! There won’t be any more posts between now and Sunday/Monday (besides the review) as Jack is taking the computer for the weekend.

Kisses my lovelies!