Stiletto Diaries

I’m Not A Whore. I’m A Relationship Technician.

Archive for the ‘Housekeeping’ Category

Hello Readers!

I’m glad you found your way over to the new site.  Stiletto Diaries outgrew Blogger, but it’s still the same site you’ve grown to enjoy, only fancier.  Like a new car with seat warmers.  See?  Aren’t you glad I traded in the station wagon?

I won’t be posting at the old site anymore, and I know all of you other site owners are groaning at the idea of having to change links, but I swear I’ll only do this one.  I’m happy here, so I have no plans to move again, ever.  Besides, I already bought the domain for life, LOL.

Take a look around, let me know if anything is broken.  There is some new stuff over in the sidebar there (check out the Ho Call since I’ve added a lot of non-blog links I love).

Also, there is additional navigation at the bottom of this page.  Still not sure how I feel about that.  Thoughts?  Will people miss it do you think?  The design came like that, and it’s nice to have less clutter in the sidebar, but there is no point having it there if no one notices it.

Thanks for stopping by!



EDIT: Jack figured we should do something special, so the first 20 unique commenters get a gift pack!  If you are willing to provide a mailing address that is.  Gift packs contain free porn, condoms, cock chocolates, cock rings, and other goodies!

This blog is brand spanking new.

Or rather, it’s the new version of an older site which I have just moved to paid hosting, right here.

Please be patient while I finish moving content and tweaking the template to my liking.

In the mean time there are loads of great things to read in the archives :)

Carry on!


Sooooo, Where Do You Think You All Will Be A Little Later?I started to write a post here earlier today, but it just seemed lame and not at all interesting to anyone but myself. So, I deleted it and now I am grasping for something to write because blogging has become something of a ritual for me and when I go too long without it, I start to feel a little crazy. You know, more than I usually do.

Have I mentioned that I haven’t even had a cup of coffee yet today?

Why is that you ask? Well I am out of cream and I just can’t bring myself to pour regular milk into my cup. A very sick child prevented me from simply nipping ’round to the store to get some cream. Then I though “Hmmmm, maybe I could just do without it today…I mean, it’s not like I’m an addict or anything. Not like I’ll curl up in a corner and mumble about organic shade-grown dark roast goodness while I drool and rock back and forth. I can go without coffee…I’ve done it before…for like, 3 hours even, that one time, way back in ‘93 I think it was…” See how bad my sentence structure and grammar were just there? That happens in my brain all the time. I just pretty it up on here for you guys, since my thoughts never include commas or periods.

So, in other words, the day has been ridiculous and mostly useless. I wandered around for a while. Ate some stuff. Collected all of my sex toys from the dressers, bathroom towel bar, under the bed, and from the recesses of my attache case, and piled them up in one place. Then I sorted, bagged, and organized them into the two 31 gallon storage lockers I have for holding such things. Yes, I bag my sex toys. Individually, in re-sealable bags, with labels. IT KEEPS THEM CLEAN OK! Plus some toys will leech color and other chemicals into each other if they are touching, and then there is the degradation of some jelly and rubber toys over time, and you know what, just call me a freak.

Once that was finished I made a couple of phone calls that needed making, and then started fishing for blog post ideas again.

My weekend was crazy busy. Nia and I spent most of it holed up in various parts of the house, doing our best to get more paint on the walls than we did on ourselves, or the ceiling. I am stiff and sore today, but it feels good to finally be making this house more my own. Generic paint colors make me feel so…plain, totally NOT myself.

This seems to be the month of Getting Stuff Done so I likely won’t be blogging as heavily as I sometimes do. Luckily I have a whole pile of reviews waiting to be posted, so you shall not be bored in my quasi absence.

The Peripheral Males are also still on the radar, just no time these days for dates. I’ve promised all of them that I will somehow make some time for coffee or drinks or whatever. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Mr. Latent Dominant Tendencies (not his official blog name, HA HA) works out, even if the others don’t, because I’d really like to have someone to play with and go to kink events with. He seems the best match at this moment, but who knows what he’s like in real life.

I hope everyone has a good week. This has been the longest Monday of my life! Thank the Gods it’s almost over…

I’ve been meaning to post a proper Thank You for this Christmas gift for a couple of weeks now. Blame the delay on the Christmas Crazies, LOL.

Master Anakin and Padme were very generous, and sent me this fabulous Bad Pussy mug from their way cool online store.

Bad Pussy Mug

I drink coffee out of it all the time (as you can see) and it’s become my favorite mug. Looking at it always reminds me of them and what wonderful friends they have been to me. Master Anakin designed that cat graphic himself and it’s the cutest thing ever in my not-so-humble opinion.

On a completely unrelated note, posting will continue to be light for the next week or so. Jack and I generally continue celebrating the holiday season until Ukrainian Christmas on January 7th, and he’s off work until then. We have some great plans for New Years Eve, and we intend to do a lot of relaxing and spending time together.

Never fear, there will still be updates during that time. I have some Dear Shasta segments prepared for posting, another review, and a couple of new Dirty Refrigerator Poetry posts for your enjoyment.

It's Bath Time!

I thought I would share this photo, that I took last night before slipping into the tub for a soak. I though plunking in a few floating candles made it extra sexy and inviting. In the future, and for anyone else, I suggest adding the candles AFTER you get into the tub. Jack even snapped a few photos of yours truly stretched out amongst the bubbles, so stay tuned for one or two of those later this week.

The bath was really nice and afterwards I tinkered with the new camera a little and then Jack and I cuddled up to sleep. Today my head cold seems to have subsided a little, which is a relief.

This morning I had a wonderful, long talk on the phone with the ever-sexy Padme. It was nice to sit down and have a chat, since I’ve been too busy for such things recently. We caught up on all the recent goings on with each other and then my phone up and ran out of battery life. I wasn’t surprised, since we had been on the phone for over 2 hours by then.

We talked quite a lot about the upcoming Sex Show here. She went to the one in Vancouver earlier this year and plans to go again this coming January. I’ve been to the Calgary show annually for the past 4, and I am interested to see how the Toronto show is different from what I am used to.

I mentioned something during our conversation that really surprised her. Now Jack and I might be the biggest sex fiends around, but we don’t watch a lot of porn. In fact, when I told Padme that we only own ONE SINGLE PORN MOVIE, she could hardly believe it. Sadder still is the fact that the one porn we do own, was a free gift that came along with a vibrator I bought some years ago. I’ve never purchased a porn flick in my entire life.

So, my goal for the Sex Show is to buy myself at least one porn video. I mean really, I like porn, I like watching it, why do I not own more of it??? It’s mind boggling when I think about it too hard.

Padme has also inspired me to consider trying a little sexy role play at some point in the near future. Her and Master Anakin sure seem to have a lot of hot fun, dressing up in different costumes and acting out naughty scenes with each other. That’s something I have never done before, so I am going to keep an eye out for some fun and flirty outfits to maybe try out with Jack sometime soon. Maybe a frisky french maid? Or a lusty cowgirl? I’m not sure what Jack would like so I may have to get his ideas on this one.

Despite how totally insane last week was, he and I still managed to roll around naked with each other a good amount. I am sure we had sex at least daily, often twice a day. He coaxed some pretty fantastic orgasms out of me as well. I know I don’t write very often about my sex life with him. I suppose in some ways that’s because it’s…well, private! Hard to believe, I know, LOL. Still, there are some things that remain sacred and beautiful between he and I. I think that if I was always writing the details or relating every moment, it would detract from some of the incredible magic that occurs when he and I make love.

You know, as much as I enjoy the variety and excitement that comes with poly, no one else I’ve ever had sex with has been able to make me feel like he does. His touch sends shivers all through me, even when he is just brushing against my shoulder in a totally non-sexual way. He knows my body like it’s an instrument he has played all his life. No one else can touch me or turn me on like he does. I think that one of the best things to come of poly overall is my new appreciation for my husband. As much fun as I’ve had with other men, it’s just never gotten to the same level. I would still rather have sex with him than anyone else, any day.

On a completely unrelated topic, I know I mentioned having a contest on the blog at some point. The prizes would be some free toys for the winner(s) and it would be open to everyone who wanted to enter. Well, that’s about to come about, and I’m letting you know a little about it now before I make it ‘official’ later this month.

The contest is going to involve designing and building some new graphics for my website. I will be accepting entries in three categories:

  1. Main Banner (for the top of this page)
  2. Ad Banner (a smaller banner for advertising purposes)
  3. Buttons (for link backs and sidebar use)

You can enter each category as many times as you like. All of the banners/buttons should contain either my name or the name of this blog, and any images/graphics you feel best reflect the feel of this site. I will not be accepting any submissions, nor will I be posting the size restrictions or specifications until the contest goes live in the next couple of weeks. I just wanted to give you all a heads-up so that you could start coming up with ideas in the mean time.

Speaking of contests…

Still waiting on suggestions for the review days I’d like to start running on this blog. No day is off-limits, except Sundays. Get the creativity going people. I’m starting to think none of you want free sex toys! Please post them here or on yesterdays post or e-mail them to me.

*David Brin

Autumn HottieAhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Finally, the calm after the storm as it were. Life has settled down again after a brief stint of chaos. Everything seems to be rolling along just fine. The only thing I can complain about at this point is a pinched nerve in my neck that has been causing me frequent headaches. Advil and plans to see a massage therapist will take care of that at any rate. I’ve also developed a bit of a head cold but it’s hardly worth mentioning.

V will be coming out for her visit in just over a week. I am totally thrilled of course. The Sex Show is going to be a blast and we have plans to go to a food and wine tasting, shopping in downtown T-Dot, and perhaps to a drive-in movie. I am looking forward to showing her around some more, particularly Niagara-On-The-Lake and Yonge Street.

I had a ton of products arrive for review over the past week. Since so many of you disliked the idea of a separate blog just for reviews, I have decided to take Esined’s suggestion and designate two days every week towards reviews. I am accepting suggestions for names for those days. Maybe Toy Testing Tuesdays? Or Sex Product Saturdays?? I am sure some of you can do better than that. If I really like one or more of the names and decide to use it, there may be something in it for the winning suggestion(s). Maybe an Ivy Massager…or a Head Honcho Sleeve. Start posting your ideas!

This week will hopefully be very low-key. Besides some minimal preparation for V’s visit, there isn’t a lot going on. I’m looking forward to relaxing a bit, taking it easy, catching up on blogging and reading. We don’t have anything planned for this weekend either, which I actually enjoy. Hopefully it will mean a little sleeping in, maybe a bit of grocery shopping so I have something to feed my guest, and generally lazing about. I might persuade Jack to drive us through the country one afternoon, so that I can take some autumn photos with my sleek new digital camera.

In case any of you are curious, Jack spoiled me with a brand new Canon Digital Rebel XTi last weekend. 10 mega pixels and it’s compatible with the telephoto lens that we bought some years ago for our semi-pro 35 mm. We got in on a bit of a sale and decided that as nice as our Canon ELPH is for point-and-shoot, we both wanted something a little more advanced. Photography is actually a mutual hobby of ours, one that we plan to become more serious about over the next few years. Perhaps I will start sharing more of my more artistic photos here on the blog, if anyone would be interested.

Ugh, I am off to have a hot bath and a nice glass of wine before bed. I think that I deserve a little down time after the week I just had (plus I am sitting here sniffling and sneezing and generally feeling unpleasant). Maybe I’ll get Jack to take some HNT shots with the new camera for later this week :P

*Robert Jordan

Not much of an update today. I just wanted to draw your attention to a few technical changes around here, and to ask for opinions on an idea I’ve been mulling over.

If you look in the sidebar you will notice two new drop-down menus. I have moved my link list and reviews list into these menus in an effort to clean up and shorten my sidebar. Too much information over there can make things difficult for navigation.

My question for all of you good readers is this: What shall I do with all these reviews?

I have a lot of products coming in for review, and I am getting concerned that before long the product testing series for this blog will overwhelm the regular content. Even with the drop-down menu, the list is getting longer and longer. While I love doing reviews and I get heaps of positive feedback about them, I don’t want this blog to just become about that. I still want visitors to feel that they are reading more about life and poly and sex than they are about this toy or that toy.

So, I’ve been debating creating a separate blog, sort of as a sub-domain to this one, just to handle all the reviews. I can post them over there and just put up little announcements here every time a new one goes up. When I (eventually) get around to having a ‘proper’ website on a paid server, I will be able to set up normal sub-domains with tabs for navigation on the main page. Until then, I am just trying to find the most effective way of keeping this blog clean and attractive to readers.

I created a little poll, so let me know what you think! I’ll make a decision in a week or two. Please vote, even if you don’t really care either way.

I am debating moving my blog to WordPress and then just registering a private domain name to use. Does anyone have experience with them for hosting that you care to share?? I understand that the basic hosting is free and then you can pay for upgrades, how do you like that? Are the paid upgrades worth it? Do they get freaky about adult content?

Any information or insights are greatly appreciated.

I’ve decided not to change my timestamp for this website, since doing so could potentially effect all past entries, changing the dates of any which were written close to midnight ‘Calgary Time’. It’s not all that important at any rate, since I can manually change the times of each post so that it reflects the ‘GTA Time’ at which it was written.

Just thought I’d let you know.

One of the odd things that have occurred to me with moving to a different time zone (I’m now two hours ahead of my previous time zone).

Also, it’s very humid here. I feel sticky and sweaty all the time, and not in the sexy way. Generally I love hot, humid weather. However, when it’s night time I like things to cool off. Dropping only 10 degrees from The Pit of Hell to The Sahara Desert does not constitute cooling off in my books. We don’t have air conditioning (yet!) and I am interested to see how long I can stand it before I start hallucinating and talking to my house plants as if they were dead relatives reincarnated as foliage.

It’s safe to say this blog is going to see a lot of posts like this over the next few months. I feel lonely and isolated already. Emotional turbulence to follow, in great gaping and shuddering amounts. Good times to be had.

Don’t worry, it’s not going to be that bad :P

Hope everyone had a good weekend.


FaceBook Me!

Shasta Gibson is now on FaceBook (AKA CrackBook)

If you search my name on there my familiar corset-covered breasts should pop up, amongst a few other women with the same name.

Feel free to friend me if you wish.

I can’t help myself. I’m addicted.