Despite my serious bout of the flu, we decided to go ahead with our trip to the states over the weekend. I was feeling mostly better, and I didn’t want to pass up the chance to see more of America, and to cross a thing of two off of my bucket list.
After some discussion, we [...]
Published by Shasta //
In my rush to get my entry about Forbidden written and posted, I forgot to talk about a few interesting aspects of the weekend that I particularly enjoyed.
The first was the nudity. I have had serious body issues for years, and I am none too keen on taking my clothes off in front of people [...]
Published by Shasta //
I really, really want to write about my weekend at Forbidden, but it feels like my thoughts are scattered and disjointed. The entire experience was so surreal…so intense, on so many levels. It was pleasure and pain and wonder and distress, all wrapped up into a scant 41 hours.
Before I begin, let me say to Red, [...]
Published by Shasta //
Yesterday morning Nia came over to watch the young ones while V and I went shopping with Varick. More specifically, to a leather store, in the hopes of finding him some suitable fet wear for this weekend.
That earthy smell of tanned animal skin nearly knocks you over at the door. I just love that smell, [...]
Published by Shasta //
I can’t get up the gumption to write much about the days before I left Ontario, but I figure I should at least record the fire play incident, if only for posterity.
Mz. F and Varick accompanied me on Thursday evening (June 26th) to Deja’s house, to watch Secretary and do a little fire play.
Due to [...]
Published by Shasta //
Since we moved here I’ve longed for more excitement, and now it’s finally coming around, in droves no less.
Tomorrow morning I am fetching the lovely Mz. F from Pearson airport. She will be staying with us for a stretch this summer, which pleases me greatly.
On Thursday evening I have plans with Varick. We’re going to Deja’s [...]
Published by Shasta //
I don’t bruise easily. This is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, I rarely have to give up wearing tank tops (which are a staple of my wardrobe) nor do I have to explain unusual markings to friends, family, or children. On the other hand, the moon-shaped red welts which had graced my [...]
Published by Shasta //
This evening I am attending a pot luck dinner/play party at Deja’s place, along with Varick and about 10 of Deja’s other friends.
Varick and I were texting back and forth about the party on Wednesday, and the conversation went something like this:
I’ll bet you can hardly wait to see me
My, you think highly of yourself
Nah, [...]
Published by Shasta //
We got up bright and early on Saturday morning, since we wanted to have a full day in Toronto before our evening out at Goodhandy’s.
Since we were going to be staying the night in the city we packed up a suitcase of clothes, toys, and whatever other paraphernalia we thought we’d need that night and [...]
Published by Shasta //
My baby girl was released from hospital this afternoon, much to our joy.
Coming home was a bit odd. I’d been so focused on her the past couple of days, spending all but a few hours in the hospital with her, when we finally got home I just felt anxious. Not about her health, since she’s [...]
Published by Shasta //