Stiletto Diaries

So I’m Easy. Is There Really Any Virtue In Being Difficult?

Our young rugrat was admitted to hospital last night with a bit of an infection, as some of you may have noticed via Twitter.  It’s not really the severity of the problem, but the location of it that caused enough concern for them to admit her.

She’s going to be totally A-OK, but I won’t be blogging, or updating Twitter much for the next couple of days.  I’m spending most of my time at the hospital, I’ve only just run home to get a change of clothes and other necessary items.

We greatly appreciate the thoughtful messages and tweets we’ve received.  Thank you so much for the support and encouragement right now.  Even though it’s not *that* serious, it’s the first time we’ve been in hospital since she was born.  More traumatizing for me than her I am sure.  She’s got all the orange juice and ice cream she wants, and she’s happy as a clam.

Consider me on very short-term hiatus until I have another chance to update :)



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  1. padme amidalaNo Gravatar Said,

    I’ve been really worried about you and your family and I’m sorry to hear about your young child. That is always so scary when you have your child in the hospital for any reason, especially when they are so young. My thoughts have been with you and your family and I hope she is feeling better soon.
    I wish I was there in person to give you a really big hug right now!
    padme amidala

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  2. Marques LyonsNo Gravatar Said,

    I second what Padme said, so that’s one hell of a group hug. I’m glad that things turned out for the better and believe me, we all understand you needing to be with your little one at this particular time :-). I’ll keep a prayer for you.

    Take care, doll.

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  3. tonya cinnamonNo Gravatar Said,

    glad to hear all will be well.. saw it on twitter….
    you all rest and come back when you can.. we miss you!!!!
    hugs tonya cinnamon

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  4. AmbaleighNo Gravatar Said,

    My little one (who isn’t little anymore :( ) has been in and out of the hospital multiple times in his 10 years, never for anything too serious, but it is traumatic for both child and parent.

    My thoughts are with you and your family.

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  5. RupertNo Gravatar Said,

    Oh man. That totally sucks.

    Make sure you take care of yourself too! And best wishes for the little one. I know what it is like to have a sick child. Worst feeling in the world.

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