Stiletto Diaries

So I’m Easy. Is There Really Any Virtue In Being Difficult?

So my date went really well last night, although we have established that we’d just like to be friends.  We had a really wonderful, excited intellectual conversation about all sorts of sexual and poly related topics.  We certainly connected in that capacity, but the rest just wasn’t there.  At the very least, I have someone new to have passionate and enthusiastic conversations with, who likes to read a lot of the same books, and all of that great stuff.

There are two other potentials on the horizon at the moment.  Both of them are exceedingly busy until summer ends, which is just as well, since so am I.  Hopefully coffee dates will come to fruition in September.

I still haven’t decided exactly what I want to do this weekend for my birthday.  On Friday Jack is taking me out for dinner and drinks.  I think we’ll try this sushi place I heard about but haven’t been to yet.  The rest of the weekend is still open to whatever I might be inclined to do.  Perhaps I shall peruse my bucket list for inspiration.  I’d love to run off to Ottawa for the weekend or something, so that’s one option.  We could also go in to Toronto, or to Niagara Falls.

We’re applying for passports this week, since Jack keeps dropping hints about taking me on a surprise trip somewhere.  I know he’s been dying to take me to Vegas for years.  I guess the backlog isn’t horrible right now, so it should only take a couple of weeks for processing.  Plus, I’ll get to cross another thing off my list!

I’m feeling oddly anxious today, for no good reason at all.  It’s been a great while since I’ve had a day like this, so I am sure it’ll pass, it’s just unnerving.  At any rate, it’s not doing anything helpful for my blogging mojo, LOL.

*Steven Meretzky

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  1. padme amidalaNo Gravatar Said,

    I’m sorry to hear the date didn’t work out with finding a potential play partner. It’s always good to meet new friends though and hopefully the other possibilities will work out for you. I hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend! A surprise trip somewhere sounds SO exciting for you!! You and Jack deserve a trip away and I’m really glad to hear you plan on having a nice birthday dinner too together on Friday. :)
    I hope your anxiety passes quickly. I get that too sometimes for no reason.

  2. niaNo Gravatar Said,

    i’m glad the date went well, if not everything you had hoped for. is there still public play potential? either way it’s super nice to find more folks to connect with who get it, eh? polyamoury - you’re doing it wrong - has come up waaaay to frequently of late.

    lemme know if you are having a party or something for your b-day, or if i can just take you out for coffee and give you yer prezzies :)


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