Stiletto Diaries

So I’m Easy. Is There Really Any Virtue In Being Difficult?

It’s been a busy week, and weekend, hence the total lack of blogging.  I’ve had a really wonderful birthday weekend, complete with gifts and cake and drinks and all sorts of fabulousness!

There are pictures to get posted and I’ve crossed off a few list items which I want to tell you about, but it’ll have to wait a day or two.  While I have a moment, I’d like to express my gratitude to a few people who made this birthday particularly memorable.

Thank you Jack for making this a really amazing weekend for me.  You’re so loving and generous, I hope you know how special you are to me and how much I love and appreciate you :)

Thank you V for being you, and for your friendship.  You inspire and motivate me on a daily basis, and you’ve really added a great deal to our lives this past month.  I’m so thankful to have you here, and to be able to share this birthday with you.

Thank you Padme, for the sweet birthday wishes and for the phone call this morning.  Even across the miles you are one of my two very dearest friends, and I am glad to have you to talk whenever I need an understanding ear.  You are so thoughtful and genuine and I want you to know that you mean a great deal to me.

You guys are awesome, and I am better for knowing each one of you.  This birthday wouldn’t have been nearly as great without you guys!



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  1. michelleNo Gravatar Said,

    Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day !!!

    Michelle xoxoxox

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  2. padme amidalaNo Gravatar Said,

    Awww…thank you for what you said about me in your post. You are my dearest and bestest friend and I don’t know what I would do without you in my life! You mean a great deal to me too!
    Happy birthday! I really enjoyed our phone call this morning and being able to talk to you today.
    You are a very special and sexy woman and I’m so glad to call you my friend!
    Luv padme

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  3. niaNo Gravatar Said,

    Happy Birthday Shasta! i’m glad you’ve had such a fantastic weekend :)


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