Five Facts For Today
Posted on April 2nd, 2007 in Meme
Tom over at Polyamorously Perverse has tagged me to post five things not otherwise revealed on this blog. Thank you for providing me with a rather simple topic on a day when I don’t particularly feel like writing.
1) I have…an addiction, to coffee. Seriously, I get REALLY cranky if I don’t get to consume at least 2-3 cups per day. I don’t have a ‘favorite’ coffee shop chain. I like to go to Starbucks once in a while to treat myself to a grande Cafe Mocha. I go to Tim Hortons pretty regularly for my usual large double-double (the young cutie at the drive thru window loves flirting with me). I also adore Second Cup for their Moccaccino. However, going out for coffee gets really expensive after awhile, so most days I end up brewing it at home.
2) I rarely wear makeup. It’s more of a hassle than it’s worth, in my opinion.
3) I drive a Dodge Nitro.
4) I love watching infomercials.
5) I have very sensitive hearing. The ticking of a watch will keep me awake, even if it’s on the nightstand. I used to have to put my watch in the closet every night when I went to bed.
There you have it. If you want to know some more strange facts about me, check out my 100 Things post or the Six Weird Things meme.
I tag Mon-Mon, Bella, and Piper.
April 4th, 2007 at 2:11 pm
Thanks for the tag… it’s my first!
I’ve complied with most of the requirements of the meme…
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April 13th, 2007 at 10:21 pm
Glad you had fun, Shasta!
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