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Spoon Meridian

Montreal is just such a grand old city.  We didn’t get to see as much of it as I would have liked, but the parts we did see, I fell in love with.  I’d consider moving there, even though I can’t read or speak a word of French.

Amazing Portrait

Have you ever stood outdoors, in the frigid cold, for 45 minutes, just to get a sandwich?  We did, in line at Shwartz’s Deli, to taste their smoked meat, which is apparently the finest in all of Montreal.  It was indeed most delicious, and the entire experience was more than worth standing out there, with filthy, starving pigeons and hungover tourists, on the sidewalk for almost an hour.

405. Have a smoked meat sandwich in Montreal


Self-Fallating Statue

After we’d eaten, we picked up Esined and went to a sex store and perused their fine goods, before grabbing a table at Second Cup and shooting the shit over lattes until it was time for us to go back to the hotel and get ready for dinner.

Green Paint

Jack, V, and I went for supper at Gibby’s, which is a fine dining establishment in Old Montreal.  The name may not sound glamorous, but Gibby’s is housed in a building that is 200 years old, and serves up the greatest steak in the city.  Fortunately we’d all brought our Sunday best for just such an outing, and we all looked fabulous if I do say so myself.

My filet mignon practically melted in my mouth.  It was one of the most delicious things I’ve ever tasted in my entire life.  It was perfectly paired with wild rice pilaf and great bottle of Shiraz.

We decided to go to bed at a decent hour so that we would be on top of our game for Sunday.  After our very late night the evening before we were totally ready to crash after we got back to the hotel.  We debated watching a movie, but ended up going to sleep early, which gave us enough energy to party like rock stars on Sunday night.

After rousting ourselves from bed in the morning, we grabbed breakfast and then drove over to the BioDome.  I think we enjoyed ourselves there more than we expected to.  It was actually quite fascinating, and I don’t even remember the last time I saw a live penguin (in person) or an otter for that matter.  Jack and I decided that we really must take the kids there sometime soon.  They would love it.


Fat Penguin


Curious Puffin

V's Favorite Bird

Three Starfish

Sleeping Bird




Porcupine In A Tree





Scarlet Macaws

255. Visit the BioDome in Montreal

Once we’d had our fill of cute animals, we decided to do some more shopping, and made our way over to Il Bolero to check out their fetish gear.  Jack bought a really sexy black shirt, suitable for clubbing or fetish wear.  It’s tight-fitting with some red piping and some of it is made out of fine mesh.  Yum!  V and I bought some new sunglasses, since my Oakley’s went missing somewhere in the house and I’ve been reluctant to buy new ones in the hopes I would find them.  Still, as V pointed out, the Oakley’s are pretty sporty, not necessarily the best glasses for certain occasions.  I relented and picked out a really attractive pair.  I fell in love with a four foot snake whip there, but they only had the display model and for that kind of money I didn’t think it was worth it to have them order it in and then ship it to me.

After shopping we grabbed poutine at a place Esined recommended, before we wandered back to the hotel to get ready to leave for the game. The poutine was amazing! The cheese was just the right combination of melty and squeaky. The gravy was hot and tasty, and they layered everything in the bowl so there was lots of cheese curds. Mmmmmmmm!


176. Have poutine in Montreal

As much as I wanted to cram all of Saturday and Sunday into one post, I think it’ll be much better if I finish it off in another entry.  The little threesome/one nighter almost deserves a post all it’s own, so stick around for that mis(adventure).

3 Responses to “Spoon Meridian”

  1. EsinedNo Gravatar Says:

    Those are amazing pictures you took! :)

    I am so glad the poutine you got was good! Can be a hit-and-miss at times. I had amajor miss at a deli yesterday with my poutine. They had shredded cheese instead of curds :(

    [Reply To The Above Comment]

  2. padme amidalaNo Gravatar Says:

    Hi Shasta!
    I really love all the pictures you took on your trip. Thank you for sharing them! It sounds like you had a really good time. I’ve always wanted to go to Montreal but havn’t been there yet. I have heard a lot about it from my sister though. I have a few things on my bucket list though that are in Montreal so I’ll have to go sometime. :)
    Looking forward to reading more about your trip!

    [Reply To The Above Comment]

  3. Jade QuestNo Gravatar Says:

    Totally off topic, but your new layout doesn’t like my screen :(

    The body of your entries runs about an inch into the tweets/topics/tags column. Was your website designed for a bigger screen?

    [Reply To The Above Comment]


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