Stiletto Diaries

So I’m Easy. Is There Really Any Virtue In Being Difficult?

One of the most unfortunate aspects of blogging, at least for me, is during periods when I have little going on, there is always plenty of time for writing.  When my life is filled with excitement and adventure, I generally lack time and inclination for blogging completely.

Recently, I’ve only been able to schedule myself snippets of time, early in the morning, in which to write.  Sadly, I often end up staring blankly at this ‘Write Post’ screen, searching for the right inspiration.

I’ve always blogged when I felt the desire to do so.  In the past I could be potentially found tapping out words on my laptop at any time in a 24 hour period.  I’ve written in the middle of the night, on airplanes, at picnic tables in the middle of nowhere, during sunrise, and sunset, and every hour between.

Lately though, I just haven’t had the time.  There just seems to be so much going on, so many interesting things to do, I don’t feel like sitting in front of my computer for hours.  Not only the blog has been lacking, but my online friendships have too.  I’ve reduced or completely eliminated regular communication with most of the people I keep in touch with via the internet.  It’s unfortunate, but I’m just really enjoying being more active, working on getting my house set up exactly the way I want it, and spending time with my kids, my husband, and my friends.

Speaking of the house, it’s coming along marvelously.  V has been helping me sort through everything we had ’stored’ in the basement and in the garage, which was basically everything that hasn’t been vital to survival during the past year.  We’ve uncovered boxes of memorabilia from high school, containers of toys we forgot that we had (much to the delight of the young ones) and every manner of knick knack and oddity you can imagine.

Thankfully there is a yahoo community called FreeCycle here, which allows you to post unwanted items, for free, so that other people can take them.  It’s the most wonderful service ever!  We gave our crib away to a young couple who are expecting a somewhat unplanned babe, and it felt really, really good to know that they love that crib just as much as we did.  They really needed it, and I was happy to give it to them.  People take all sorts of things that you would never imagine them wanting!  I’ve freecycled a box of random cleaning supplies, used bike helmets, a well-loved gerbil cage, a hideious chair, and even cardboard boxes.  Seriously, if you have stuff to get rid of, look for a FreeCycle group in your area!

We’ve also been putting a lot of effort into eating better and exercising.  The bike that Jack bought me for my birthday already has more than a few miles on it, and our fridge looks like we shop exclusively at farmer’s markets.  V and I have been experimenting with recipes and cooking to keep things interesting, so we don’t get bored of all the vegetables.  We bike ride as often as we can (before the weather gets too cold) or we workout together in the basement.

There is the most beautiful bike path, not far from my house, which we rode down just the other day.  I didn’t bring my good camera, so I had to use the Blackberry to snap a few pictures, but these should give you an idea anyway.


Treed Bike Path


The sunlight was filtering through the leaves of the trees, and it was a warm day, perfect for bike riding.  I plan to take a walk down there once the leaves are really turning, with my camera, so that I can get some autumn photos of all those gorgeous trees.

Now that both of my kids are in school (one of them every day and the other 2-3 days a week) Jack and I have decided to have regular lunch dates during the week, in order to take advantage of my kid-free time.  He works some distance away, but there are plenty of great restaurants in the area, so I can drive over and meet him in the middle of the day, and we can spend some time together.

I have company coming out from Alberta at the beginning of October for almost a week.  I haven’t seen this particular friend since April, so I’m greatly anticipating her visit, and the opportunity to show her around the GTA.  She’s not in-the-know about our lifestyle, so it will be all vanilla activities, but it doesn’t matter to me, I love a good wine tasting and touring Niagara Falls, etc.

Tomorrow night is Blue Man Group with Jack, and we may end up going to the Toronto Zoo this weekend before fall really sets in.  The Great Barrier Reef has exhibits set up right now, and touching a sting-ray is on my list, so I am hoping to manage that one during our visit.

I have no plans to stop blogging any time in the foreseeable future, but I do need to continue devoting more time to actually living my life rather than writing about it.

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