Ivy Intimate Touch Palm Massager Review
- Posted by Shasta on August 25th, 2007 filed in Bedroom Bling, I Touch Myself, Reviews
I’ve been quite busy lately and thus have become back-logged with reviews. Today I am featuring a nifty little clitoral vibrator from Pleasure Me Now which arrived some time ago and has been languishing in a box.
The Ivy Intimate Touch Palm Massager may not look like much. I was hardly impressed when I first pulled it from the plastic packaging and turned it over in my hands. Made out of hard plastic (except for the nubbins at the end and the circular finger ‘grip’ in the middle) and very light weight, I was skeptical.
However, doing my job I popped some batteries into it and turned it on with the single button it has. The package said it had 7 different vibrations. I was immediately impressed when it started buzzing away at a fairly good strength. The subsequent pushing of the button resulted in the vibration increasing in strength twice (so three steady vibration settings, of increasing intensity) and then it flipped into some interesting vibration/pulsation patterns.
Hmmmmmm… perhaps this wasn’t going to be disappointing after all!
I stretched out naked on the bed while Jack was ironing his shirts (hell no I don’t do it for him) and started applying the nubbly end of the vibrator to all of my sensitive bits.
Very good.
He watched me at some points, but honestly, around here seeing me masturbate is such a regular occurrence that he can control himself now, even though I noticed something straining in the front of his shorts
While I am not really a fan of pulsing vibration, some people are, and this toy actually does a very good job of it. The steady vibration was plenty strong enough to rock my world and I came quite enthusiastically.
The price also makes it very attractive. Affordable but of acceptable quality, and certain to get the job done. If you only wank once in a while or don’t require a lot of bells and whistles on your toys, this is a great little vibe. Certain to get the job done without a lot of fuss.
Cleaning it is a tad more complicated, due to the nubbins and the fact that this toy is not water resistant. Also the seam around the silicone parts, where they join the plastic parts, is a perfect place to harbour bacteria. However, a q-tip and some adult toy cleaner should do the job. Just be sure to get into all the little groves to kill off any little ickies that might be hiding there.
I really enjoy this little vibe. I was really impressed with the power in such a low-key package. It also proves that toys don’t have to cost you a kidney to get you off
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August 25th, 2007 at 5:13 am
Yes, Hardin has to iron his own shirts, too. What, do you think I do housework?
I’m not a big fan of this sort of apparatus, either. My question: how is this different from a pocket rocket with a nubbly attachment?
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August 25th, 2007 at 1:16 pm
People seem to think I do housework too
Don’t they know I spend all day lounging and being fed peeled grapes by my man-bytchez?
As for the difference between this and the pocket rocket. The first one being that the rocket only has three speed settings, and no pulsing featured. Also, I have to admit, I hate how the rocket is shaped. It kind of makes me think of applying a little flashlight to my girl parts. I also found the rockets numbly attachement was hard and didn’t feel all that great on the ol’ labia. Just my opinions of course
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August 25th, 2007 at 7:05 pm
Good morning Shasta,
I enjoyed your review. I havn’t heard of that toy before but it sounds interesting. 
I do the majority of housework around the Skywalker residence. It’s very hard to get Darth Vader to iron his shirts. lol. He’s always busy with his plans for the Death Star. lol.
Hope your having a wonderful weekend, sexy. *winks*
padme amidala
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November 17th, 2008 at 9:08 am
[...] names and decide to use it, there may be something in it for the winning suggestion(s). Maybe an Ivy Massager…or a Head Honcho Sleeve. Start posting your [...]