If You Just Change Your Perception Of Sex, You TOO Can Be A Slut Like Me
Posted on July 16th, 2009 in Bucket List, Carnal Confessions, Does All Her Own Stunts, Made In Ontario, Mating And Relating, Polyamory, Tie Me Up
Note: Any names/details involving other people have been posted with their permission.
Friday morning at Tease dawned bright and early. Fortunately my sore throat was nearly gone, so I was geared up and ready to go.
Most of the morning was spent watching the BDSM games, the Fox Hunt, and the Pony Games. I won’t get into details, as I don’t want to violate the confidentiality agreement, but it was fantastic. I think I might like very much to try pony play sometime. I remember pretending to be a horse with my friends when we were all young and horse-crazy, and having raised horses myself for years, I know a good deal about training and behaviour. Plus I think I’d make a very pretty pony girl
In the early afternoon I ran into a friend of mine who had just arrived. We mainly stuck together for the rest of the day, wandering around camp, meeting new people. Towards evening we sat down around the fire and shot the shit with some of the other campers. As I still wasn’t feeling so hot I was debating heading to bed early when my friend (who needs a name…I think I’ll call him Aiden) and I were invited to do a scene. Part of me really didn’t want to get naked in the chilly evening air, but the other part of me wanted to play. You can guess which side won out
Aiden and I were cuffed together at the wrist, standing side by side, but facing opposite directions. Then we were chained to trees by our other wrists. It was really hot being tied to a tree like that, and it was my first scene with another bottom, which was a lot of fun.
273. Try outdoor bondage
There was a point when I was acting most unsubmissively, and one of the people I was playing with grabbed me by the throat. Normally that is a very hard limit for me (for reasons that I don’t feel like sharing here) and about two seconds in, part of my brain was screaming “RED! RED!” but I didn’t call the safeword. Instead I reminded myself that I was completely safe, with people who care about me. I was able to work past the initial fear, and then completely dropped into subspace, which was such an incredible experience. It’s impossible to put into words what a HUGE moment that was for me. It was the first time I think I’ve ever let anyone put their hands around my neck, aside from Jack. It’s normally a rather serious trigger for me, and I still can’t believe that I didn’t totally freak out, but I’m so proud of myself for staying in the moment and not letting the past ruin something so wonderful.
The person in question, by the way, had no idea that it was a limit for me. He would have never grabbed me like that had he known it could potentially upset me.
The scene was over far too soon, and after we’d had finished, we had a soak in the hot tub before bed. Since I had already grown tired of sleeping alone, I invited Aiden to sleep in my tent (in his own sleeping bag of course) and he accepted.
At first we lay awake talking for a while. Then there was tickling and giggling and thrashing around (not sure how that got started) which led to stroking and petting. For a moment I considered putting on the brakes, since you all know how weird I sometimes get when it comes to casual sex, but I didn’t want to say no, and what he was doing to my nipples felt soooooooo good. I was still on an adrenalin high from the earlier scene and I’ll be honest, I just really wanted to get fucked.
The foreplay was just what I needed. He licked and sucked my nipples while he rubbed my clit, and I’m sure I came in under ten minutes (I dunno, it could have been longer, my sense of time was not so good just then). I’ve found that as I age, and the more orgasms I have, the longer they seem to last. They’ve become stretched out, coming in waves rather than one short burst. I have after-shocks now that may continue making me twitch in ecstasy for several minutes beyond the orgasm itself. It’s quite fantastic really.
Once I’d caught my breath, still basking in the after-glow, I began ernestly stroking his cock. He has a PA piercing, the first I’ve had a chance to play with. He seemed to enjoy having the ring played with. When he was good and hard I suggested we fuck, and after rounding up a condom, we were off to the races.
Unfortunately due to the required condom, I have no idea if a PA piercing does anything for me during intercourse, but the sex was really good at any rate. Aiden is almost impossibly slender, and quite a bit taller than me, and I recall feeling his hip bones pressing into the backsides of my thighs while he thrust into me. I also remember my hands on his shoulder blades and the way his muscles moved under my fingers. It was hot.
After he’d come, to my memory, we fell asleep almost immediately. At least I did. It was far less lonely, and much easier to sleep, with another person in the bed.
July 17th, 2009 at 6:08 am
i agree, you’d be an absolutely beautiful pony
also, i’m very, very proud of you. i’m actually tearing up a little thinking of the neck grabbing incident and how you were strong enough in that moment to surrender. that’s so fucking huge & i’m so terribly happy for you
also, i’m glad you’ve come over to the dark side to indulge in casual sex
it’s wonderful over here 
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reply on July 17th, 2009 6:55 am:
Thank you my dear for being so supportive, and understanding. It’s difficult to convey how life-changing those sorts of moments are.
As for the casual sex, I think I might be figuring out how to manage it
I will keep ys posted 
Much love my friend!
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