Stiletto Diaries

I’m Not A Whore. I’m A Relationship Technician.

Archive for October, 2006


Happy Halloween!

Look At My Bum!

Recently the awesome people at Pleasure Me Now contacted me about featuring some of their great products on my humble blog. Of course I was more than happy to accept their offer. They have been fabulous to deal with. I am a huge stickler when it comes to customer service. Every e-mail I sent was answered promptly and professionally, every question answered thoroughly. They have been friendly and generous, and I am looking forward to what I hope will be an ongoing partnership with them.

My package arrived last week and I ran upstairs three at a time to open it the minute I found it in the mail box. I could hardly wait to check out my new toys! I will keep you in suspence as to what they are until I review them here, but you won’t have to wait long :) The first of two reviews will be posted before the weekend, and the second one next week sometime. Of course both will include pictures of products in use, so you can look forward to that.

I rarely ask for reader input when it comes to this blog, but in this case I would like to know what my adoring public is interested in. Please take a look at the Pleasure Me Now website and leave me some suggestions or requests for products you would like to see featured and reviewed here. I want to make sure that I provide variety and interesting items for your reading pleasure. I am also hoping to expand reviews to include male oriented toys, so guys let me know what you would be interested to know more about and I will do my best to get some products that are of interest to you.

I am also going to be adding a rating system to my reviews. I plan to write a post for the benefit of both readers and retailers explaining how I rate the products I feature. That is still in the works, and I will be adding that particular aspect to my past reviews as well. I am really excited to be expanding that part of my blog, but never fear that Stiletto Diaries will become overly commercialised. I still refuse to put any advertising up, and I will only vouch for products and websites that I have personally tested or had interactions with. I don’t want to compromise what this site is really about, I just think that toy reviews are a fun addition to my blog. It also helps to keep me from droning on endlessly about emotional issues, LOL.

So lots to look forward to on Ye Olde Blog here. This evening I am going to see V and K for perogie night and to show off my fabulous new ride. I have decided not to post details at this time regarding the vehicle we bought. I will say that it’s a hot little SUV that I am totally in love with, and we got a good deal on it. It’s more sexy and less ‘Soccer Mom’ which is more suitable for my personal taste. Not that there is anything the least bit wrong with Soccer Mom’s or the token mini vans that they tend to drive. It’s just not for me so much, LOL.

I am off to get ready, I hope everyone had a great Monday!

I’ve spent like 24 of the past 48 hours at work. I am exhausted.

Why am I awake you ask? I wish I had an answer for that, LOL.

Despite the terribly long hours, I am loving my new job. Being surrounded by attractive young men the entire time certainly helps. There is one in particular whom I have taken a liking to.

YES, I know it is forbidden in the rules to hook up with anyone from work, not to mention our hometown. And no, I have no intention of breaking or bending the rules. The worst I will indulge in is playful flirting and the dirty dirty fantasies I have.

Jack is quite enjoying that in fact. Often I come home after a shift and ravage him or beg him to fuck me. Sadly said hot guy from work is moving away soon *SOB* hopefully they hire someone equally sexy and fun to replace him.

I have also totally won over my supervisor, who I think secretly adores me since he lets me get away with just about anything. Not because I’m a woman or anything, well maybe that too, but also because I am a really hard worker and I impressed him with how quickly and accurately I get things done.

Anyway, I think it’s time to drag myself off to bed. Maybe if I am extra lucky I’ll have a sexy dream about hot guy from work :P


That is the sound I made a couple of minutes ago when Blogger ate the big long post I had written out. God Dammit!

So, since I am tired, here is the post again in point form:

* Had lunch with the brilliant eBadger on Monday. He took me for a ride on his cool motorcycle and I loved it. I hope he knows by now that I am interested in him and maybe we can do coffee or tea sometime soon.

* Monday night went for wings at Limerick’s with V, DF, and Jack. Had a great time. Make a point of going to Limerick’s if you are in the area.

* After Limerick’s went with DF and V to Woody’s Taphouse to meet K for perogies. Jack wasn’t in the mood to come. V and I talked about horses and related topics at great length.

* Tuesday picked up kids from mum and went to visit Jack’s parents overnight.

* The kink in my neck got so bad that my entire shoulder and left arm were throbbing in pain. After getting only 2.5 hours sleep Tuesday night I relented and went to the doctor. He gave me good drugs that not only relax my muscles but knock me out.

* Got a new job working graveyard shifts on weekend. Effectively killed my social life.

* Obtained new vehicle to replace smashed one.

* Need to go sleep now because I start work in 5 hours.

Have a great weekend All :) Knock back some shots of tequila for me!


I NEEDCoffee!

Apparently my idea of erotic photography is too dull to warrant comments *SOB*. Ingrates!

To make matters worse I had to cancel my plans with H at the last minute because we are having unexpected company this weekend. I’ve been sick with the flu so the house looks like a war zone, and these particular relatives have never seen our place before. Jack really wants it to look nice so I VERY grudgingly asked H if we could reschedule.

On top of that I did something horrid to my neck and hardly slept because of it. I am not sure what caused it but I have a terrible kink on the left side and it’s painful. O has advised me to apply heat and massage so I shall be doing that immediately.

Since this post can’t be all bitching, the charming and handsome eBadger has graciously accepted an invitation to have lunch at my house on Monday afternoon. I am looking forward to this very much. I plan to dazzle him with my culinary mastery. If I have to end up cancelling that as well I will be a very irritable girl to say the least.

Monday evening V and I will likely be joining K and perhaps some of his friends at a pub for pirogi night. I know, it’s a terribly odd special to have at a pub of all places.

The last few days K and I have been getting along excessively well. We chat and laugh and it’s light and fluffy, we’re like best friends again. On one hand it makes me a little sad. I wonder to myself what could have been done to fix things before they got to the point of no return. I ponder where it all started to go downhill. In some moments I entertain the idea of giving it another chance, but I think it best not to jump into that again right now.

On the other hand of course it makes me very glad. I value K as a friend, and I am glad that I have not lost him during this evolution of our relationship. I know that he will continue to be there for me, and I for him, and that we can still be real with each other even if we are not romantically involved. Despite what he might think sometimes, I cannot just turn off my feelings. I still love him, and breaking things off was not a decision I came to lightly. I want the best for him and I always will.

I need a coffee very badly. I want someone to bring me Starbucks. A Grande Non-Fat Caramel Latte to be specific. Oh won’t someone take pity on me and run one over to my house? I’d go get one myself but Jack has the vehicle and the walk from here to there would eat up the rest of my time for cleaning.

I can be quite pathetic, I know.

To cover a few other things before I leave off. I added some handy buttons to my sidebar in the ‘About’ section, so now you can add Stiletto Diaries to your favorites on Technorati, BlogLines, or Delicious.

I’m also going to be posting my wish list for Christmas so that Jack can avoid buying me anything from it (it’s just a ‘thing’ of his. If I give him a list, guaranteed he will not buy me anything on it). Perhaps it will serve to give other people good gift ideas for the special women (or men) in their lives!

I think that about covers it. I shall let you know how the car hunt goes this weekend :)

OH! Almost forgot :D I did a radio interview for CJSW (the local University radio station) and it aired this past Monday! It was about poly and I think I did a pretty good job. I have been promised a copy of the show, so would anyone be interested in having it available on the blog here for free download? That way everyone can hear me in all my glorious brilliance, LOL. It was only about 20 minutes long, so let me know if you are interested in listening and I will upload it and post the link.

Keep it real, yo!


Erotic HNT


This photo is very erotic to me. This was taken the last time that K and I had sex. I thought it would be appropriate for nostalgic reasons.

Happy Half-Nekkid Thursday!


A sort of interesting little blurb about polyamory. I like the parts where she says that having an affair or being gay is more socially acceptable than having more than one love.


By Stephanie Sellars

Hurray it’s Hump Day! The week is half over and tomorrow I am taking my kids to my mom’s place for the weekend! Jack and I are going to check out some vehicles. I really love the Dodge Charger or the new Dodge Nitro. We will probably end up getting something second hand, or maybe a year-old lease back from a dealership. It’s fun to fantasize though, and we’ll probably take some new cars for a spin just to see.

Friday I have plans to spend the afternoon with H. Since I rarely have time during weekdays it’s going to be fun to take advantage of it. He and I are going to see The Prestige and probably have a bite to eat before or afterwards. The movie looks interesting, I’ve been seeing previews for it the past couple weeks. It’s not really the type of film I would generally go see in theaters so I am glad that H suggested it. Him and I haven’t hung out together in ages so I am super excited!

I need to squish in as much stuff as I can while we are kid free :) Jack and I will be spending all Saturday and Sunday looking at cars. I probably won’t have to pick the kids up until Monday or Tuesday, so I can probably fit some stuff in then as well. I am trying to make plans with O for Sunday night, hopefully she can fit me in.

V and I are just about due for our next Brazilian wax. I had all of five hairs grow back, it’s awesome :D V has far less hair growing back as well, so neither of us are dreading it. Must remember to make appointment for that. Did you know that having Brazilian waxing reduces your chances of getting a yeast infection? Apparently your pubic hair can hold onto nasty bacteria that cause them. Also if you are self conscious about the smell of your pussy, having all the hair waxed off helps, since it’s easier to keep bare skin totally clean rather than hair.

I think there will be some more book and toy reviews coming up, I am looking forward to writing those.

In celebration of Hump Day, download a copy of Egg Invaders from the Durex website by clicking here! (Will not play on MAC computers)


Sugasm #50!

We’re celebrating a milestone this week. Thanks to all of our sexy writers we’ve made it to our 50th Sugasm. Congratulations!

The best of the sex blogs this week by the bloggers who blog them. Spotlighting the top 3 posts voted by Sugasmer participants. Want in Sugasm #51? Submit a link to your best post of the week using this form. Participants, repost the linklist within a week and you’re all set.

This Week’s Picks
Dear Diary - Part One (
The Lure of Darkness (
Flash (

Mr. Sugasm Himself
50 Simultaneous Bloggasm’s… (

Editors’ Choice
Let go, just let go (

More Sugasm
Join the Sugasm